Introducing 100%Free
Credit Card Processing
We Save Our Merchants Hundreds Of Thousands Of Dollars Each Month With Zero Fee Processing!
Credit Card Processing With
No Monthly Fee Is Real.
With this proprietary technology, we add a small service fee to each customer's purchase. You get the full purchase price for the transaction. The fees for processing the cards come directly to us and pay all your monthly transactions. When you receive your statement each month, you will always PAY ZERO.
At Empire we reduce your credit card fees 100%.
no hidden fees
At Empire Processing, we don't hide fees. We know how frustrating it is to get a statement and find higher fees than what was quoted. With Empire Processing, you will always PAY ZERO. It doesn't matter if you process $5,000 per month in cards or $5,000,000 per month. You will never pay merchant fees again. Our CASH DISCOUNT PROGRAM is available for your business.
Get a FREE POS System
You can get a FREE POS system or a countertop terminal completely free of charge when you switch your processing over to the Empire Processing Cash Discount program.